Digital marketing manager should have skills not only closely related to marketing, but also have full knowledge, which is still deepening, about the tools successfully used on the Internet. The main sentences of the Digital Marketing Manager boil down to assessing the market opportunities associated with selling products or services, developing and implementing a marketing strategy, as well as supporting the sales department.
Advertising in Digital
The digital marketing manager should know modern forms of advertising: e-mail marketing, marketing automation, social media, SEM campaigns, SEO positioning, content marketing, performance marketing and advertising within e-commerce. The Internet is an inexhaustible source of knowledge about customers and their needs. Moreover – especially reliable, because customers themselves communicate what they expect. We can now target ads to closely selected audiences. The effectiveness of such an ad is very high if we run an advertising campaign accordingly.
Direct marketing – what is it?
Online marketing is also a form of direct marketing that is based on sending specific messages to carefully selected audiences. It allows customers to buy products through the use of various advertising media, including: e-shops, telemarketing, mail order sales and sales at the customer’s home. As you can see, direct marketing is not just a door-to-door activity. Today, companies have transferred this form of advertising and sales – which is natural – to the internet.
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Inbound marketing
Digital Marketing Manager should follow trends and new ways of advertising. An example is inbound marketing, which is based on two-way communication between the brand and the customer. We can include social media, corporate blogs, SEO and content marketing. Consumer engagement is critical because they become brand promoters and help establish the right marketing strategy to suit their needs. More than 78% of consumers are already looking for information about a particular brand themselves, especially through a search engine (HubSpot).