Showing 14 Result(s)

Fan engagement through Stream2Win

Product: Fan engagement through Stream2Win at TIDAL – a competition to win concert tickets or music devices/speakers through listening to music!
Client: TIDAL
Industry: Music Streaming
Implementation time: May 2021 – August 2023
Idea, concept: Piotr Czerpak
Graphic design: Internal

Mobile app "MyJatomi" for gym fitness

Smartphone app “MyJatomi” is the first mobile application for fitness gym, thanks to which customers can check their measurements and trends, sign up for classes, check the dates of subsequent classes, contact and make appointments with personal trainers, check the number of free lockers in the winter, find the most important information about clubs in Poland and abroad and invite their friends to free workouts. The smartphone app “MyJatomi” was created according to UX and UI standards and is available on Android and iphone. Google AdWords campaigns were used to increase the visibility of your apps on the web and reach a larger group of users. The “MyJatomi” application has the same features as the customer portal.

First versions of the app with splash screen, menu, your measurments and results, refer a friend, timetables for trainings, lockers avability.

Product: Mobile appName:
t: Jatomi FitnessNee
ding: fitness gyms, wellnessCond
ing time: October 2014 – currentlyCon id
ea, concept and mock-ups : Piotr Czerpak