It often happens that companies starting marketing activities do not have the idea and resources for extensive marketing communication. With the help come social media – Facebook. Proven ideas from an internet marketing specialist and numerous case studies help to significantly increase reach and effectively inform users about their existence. Here are 10 tips to help you successfully promote your brand with a small budget or even at no cost.
1. Get on Facebook!
At the beginning of our activities, we expect a large number of likes and comments, which seem to determine the popularity and effectiveness of actions on social. We add new posts, photos, quotes, but at some point the number of followers stops increasing. Why and how to remedy this? Like and comment on related pages, respond to user comments, solve their class issues, and always substantively. Speak as an expert and share your knowledge with your users. You will not create competition with this, but you will strengthen your position.
2. Collaborate with bloggers from a similar industry
We all know that bloggers have their own opinion, often avoiding controversy, but they can also become the best promoters of the brand. You do not have to immediately establish cooperation with the “stars” of the blogosphere, it is better to look for less popular bloggers who are happy to engage in the action, if you have a common goal, for example, in the form of promoting a particular idea, lifestyle or passion.
3. Don’t limit your own offer – write Instant Articles
It’s nice to write about your own offer, achievements, ongoing projects, but not only such content is expected by the community on Facebook. It is worth writing about articles and news from the industry, events, new tools or publications. Users will appreciate it and come back for another dose of knowledge. You can also use Instant Articles, a new way to present articles that load on Facebook instantly.
Click below on “Like this page” and you will always be kept informed about new articles from my blog.
4. Frequency of entries
The frequency of posted information will certainly affect the popularity of the fanpage. Of course, they must be properly selected and interesting for the audience. Anyone who likes a Facebook Page will be looking forward to more and more useful information. Surely 3 to 6 posts a day to begin with is enough.
5. Encourage discussion
People often like to make their say – especially on the internet. So it’s a good idea to ask users on Facebook for advice and to express their opinion on the topic. However, this is not the end. If you don’t get involved in the discussion properly, readers will certainly notice it and won’t be willing to re-express their opinions. Whether the comment is positive or negative, you need to respond!
6. Analyze audience activities
We can easily increase the number of users if we see how they behave. This is especially true for paying attention to popular posts with more likes, share’ów or comments. Adjust the time of publication and keep the right form – Facebook users want to quickly view posts rather than read essays, so form and content must be accessible.
7. Record and stream videos
Do not be afraid to show and express your own opinion. Short interesting videos from the life of the company are happy to be viewed by users. If they have an entertainment form, then they can have viral potential. Follow the industry and boost your creativity! Not so long ago, Facebook gave the opportunity to stream live video for Fanpages called Live.
8. Follow your industry
You need to keep up to date and react quickly to news and interesting content from the industry. They must first and foremost be dynamic. The Internet is developing very quickly and just as quickly “promotes” new content.
9. Tag everything you can!
This is not an exaggeration – people interested in a particular topic will be happy to look for additional information. Create your own hashtag for each topic on Facebook (e.g. tips, trivia), and you’re sure to get people used to the topics of your posts and create your own search engine.
10. Meritocrasy is the basis
Everything you post on your fanpage must contain substantive information and be useful to users. Form never outweighs content, so try to find out what your users like and provide interesting information about it.